
Films & Documentary
Fiction and Non Fiction Storytelling are art forms that work hand in hand with Narrative Editing, in which our company has excelled.
Music Video
Your Songs need the appropriate visuals to and here we provide the best in class editing that brightens the shine of your magic.
Visual FX Creation
The world of CGI and VFX is a gateway to tell unique and truly mesmerising storytelling and we are here to help you achieve your vision.
Wedding Films
Your memories are precious and our team makes sure that you have the everlasting treasured testament of your dream story.

Our Clients

Your Workflow Made Easier

Being a Video Post Production Company comes with its own set of challenges and we are here to take the pressure off. The Talented Editors of Our Team works seamlessly with the Production Department and deliver on all Post Production Needs of your firm. Just Upload your footage, then sit back and relax. From Sequence to Stories, the best of your product is on its way.

The World of DI

Colour Correction and Grading are one of our many specialties that enhance the look of your product. Be it Non- Fiction or Fiction, Music Video or Wedding, the colour palettes that bring out the best and please the eyes are delivered to you. By Stylising the colour scheme of your footage, we achieve an enhanced cinematic look to ensure that in sync with your imagination, the perfect atmosphere and emotions are conveyed.

Learn From Us
Earn From Us

Editing Walae offers curated courses for you to begin your journey in Narrative Editing. Expert professionals can teach you techniques for manipulating footage to add structure and improve the appeal of videos. Editing Walae offers guaranteed placements as a Video Editor to students who are driven and have a spark for creating beautiful narratives and stories with the craft.


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Happy Clients


Finished Projects

March 30, 2022

Living Your Dreams

Photography Blog brings you the latest and greatest camera and photography news, both film and digital, both global and UK-based. They have expert reviews of all the latest cameras, lenses, smartphones and accessories, since 2022 Read More
March 29, 2022

Design Your Choice

Edit Walae is a place for gear lusting photographers for inspiration, education, gear chat and a place to hang out. They have a strong focus on educational content, also they feature some of the best and most inspiring photography found worldwide. Read More


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